Day-2 of JavaScript

Printing a statement in js

console.log('hello world');

Variables in js

The let keyword is for variables which holds values and can be changed.

let message = "hello";
console.log(message) // output is hello
message = "world";
console.log(message); // output is world

The const keyword is for variables which hold values and can not be changed.

const message = "hello";
message = "world";

output will be:
message = "world";

TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

Datatypes in js

// primitive datatypes
let str1='havi';
let str2="rishi";
let str3=`geetha`;

let n=12;
let n1=1.2;

let big=12345678901234n;
let lovescoding=false;

n2=null // can declare a null value 

// reference datatypes
const n3=Symbol();

let class_section = {
    name: 'tenth class',
    section: 'C'

JavaScript is dynamically typed language or not?

Yes, because in Javascript we can reassign the same variable with different type.

let name1 = "haveela";
console.log(typeof name1); // output is string

name1 = 99;
console.log(typeof name1); // output is number

name1 = false;
console.log(typeof name1); // output is boolean